Kitepipe Gives Back Through Acts of Kindness

At Kitepipe we have successfully implemented a companywide game culture that has become one of our core values. Kitepipe is an IT Cloud Integration Services company with team members throughout North America, working primarily in a virtual organization. Although this may be considered a hurdle to most, Kitepipe has continuously found ways to keep team members engaged and interaction high through games.

Why We've Embraced The Book "Great Game of Business"

This has had a significant effect on boosting team morale. We have found that this has helped our team to feel a stronger sense of community, as well as develop a deeper sense of connection all while having fun within a games culture. The result is a culture that is the cornerstone of our overall success.  

This is a business concept that Kitepipe has embraced from the book “Great Game of Business”. By following the three key concepts of this book, “know & teach the rules; follow the action & keep score; and provide a stake in the outcome”, we have been able to effectively create games that are fun and keep the team engaged.

During this global pandemic we expanded our horizons and wanted to create a new game that would encourage our team members to give back and consistently think of others during these unprecedented times. The goal was to influence the behavior of our team members in such a way that they would intentionally find ways to get out of their “bubble” and look outward. Sometimes we all need an extra motivator to begin thinking of others and what we can do to help, therefore we created the game Kitepipe Gives Back. 

The premise of the game was to track when someone did an act of service such as volunteering, donating blood or any kind of action related to helping someone else, in addition to when someone did something kind without expecting anything in return. This was known as an act of kindness. Each time a team member did these activities they would post a picture of it to our slack channel to receive points. Each person got two points per activity per photo and four points for a video post. There were also bonus point(s) as well which were given when someone did physical activity of any kind. We wanted to encourage everyone to stay healthy and keep moving during the quarantine. Moreover, to consciously encourage the team to find ways to be outside, exercise and maintain healthy habits or even start them was important to us as well. 

Kitepipe Gives Back ran for thirteen weeks and afforded everyone the opportunity to get to know their team members on a more personal level along with gaining insight to the specific ways that their team members were impacting others around them. Our final score was 751 activities. The participation and enthusiasm amongst our team was remarkable. 

At the end of the game we chose the top three participants who had the most points from the game and divided up the pool of money amongst them. Each winner was able to apply their donation to the charity of their choice. We reached the highest goal set for the game, which defined a significant payout to be directed to charity. Each winner was able to share what charity they chose and why with the entire team at our weekly team meeting. This helped us to know our team members better and feel a part of truly making a difference in others’ lives, all while reinforcing our belief in the expression “There is no “I” in team”. 

Meet Our Executive Team


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