Cost-justifying Employee Data Mastering - Customer Examples

We are kitepipe, we do a lot of this project. Boomi Master Data Hub is a cloud-native master data management (MDM) platform solution that sits at the center of the various data silos within your business – including your existing MDM solution, to provide you an easy to implement, scalable, flexible, and secure master data management hub as a service.

The Benefits of Employee Data Mastering

Agile data mastering

Realize an immediate return on investment for your data management projects by implementing in weeks instead of months and years.

Lower total cost of ownership

Avoid the time, expense and headache of purchasing multiple data mastering products to cover initiatives that cross data domains and organizational boundaries.

Improved operational efficiency

Break down silos, expand trusted data through the enterprise and gain 360-degree visibility across products, employees, and customers accessible via a central hub.

The Moderna Success Story

At the founding of Moderna, Chief Digital Officer Marcello Damiani defined the six pillars of the digital drug company, one of which was comprehensive integration. To implement this, Moderna chose the Boomi integration platform and Kitepipe as the service provider and initiated a five year build out of integration to support the cloud first architecture. Starting first with procurement, then with onboarding, and finally manufacturing, Kitepipe built and support more than 200 transaction and master data integration pipes that support all aspects of Moderna’s daily activity. When the pandemic hit and Moderna needed to scale all aspects of the organization a powerful set of onboarding integrations was in place to quickly add the many hundreds of new employees and contractors needed to develop and deliver the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine. Moderna grew from 1200 to 8000 employees almost overnight, and this would not be possible without employee mastering/onboarding.

But not everyone is Moderna, so how do other organizations make the case to leadership that this is an important, and cost savings initiative?

Here are examples from Kitepipe customers that show the dimensions of benefits and cost savings:

    1.  Biotech company onboarding 40 workers per month saved the equivalent of 5 FTE annually in admin and support positions in HR and IT around worker onboarding and provisioning.

    2.  High Growth tech company with a 400 person sales team gained an average of 5 days of productivity for each of their sales team hires through seamless setup and provisioning - when you run the numbers, this is the most valuable benefit

    3.  Public company saved 100 hours per quarter in accounting/hr team through not having to collect "access to sensitive data" logs across all of their platforms as part of a SOC 2 compliance audit.  This data is a standard report from Boomi MDM Module

    4.  On average, customers who implement Employee Hub find and fix expired, duplicate or inconsistent employee data across their applications equal to 4 to 7 percent of total worker count.  These errors cause support tickets to IT every week, and represent security vulnerabilities.

    5.  CIO of a public company is complemented by his peers in the Board meeting on the speed and service quality of Key Hire onboarding and provisioning (probably the best benefit of all..)


Your mileage may vary, but we find that our clients can show a payback period of less than a year for an investment in employee data mastering from Kitepipe and Boomi. Plus some significant intangibles around security posture and onboarding experience.


Contact us to help you plan and justify an investment in your employee data.

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